Getting Started

This page will detail the steps you take to get the app onto your machine and how to open in a browser

  1. npm install -g gatsby
  2. Go to GitHub and git clone the repo
  3. Open Terminal and cd to the project you have just cloned
  4. npm install within the project directory, this installs the necessary Node packages
  5. gatsby develop — Gatsby will start a hot-reloading development server accessible at localhost:8000

To make changes and see your own page with articles, please see How-to-Run


Getting Started

This page will detail the steps you take to get the app onto your machine and how to open in a browser

  1. npm install -g gatsby
  2. Go to GitHub and git clone the repo
  3. Open Terminal and cd to the project you have just cloned
  4. npm install within the project directory, this installs the necessary Node packages
  5. gatsby develop — Gatsby will start a hot-reloading development server accessible at localhost:8000

To make changes and see your own page with articles, please see How-to-Run